When is a Psychiatrist needed? 6 Warning Signs Doctors Look For

When is a Psychiatrist needed? 6 Warning Signs Doctors Look For

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Do suffer from mental health? If so, you are not alone. In fact, roughly 1 in 5 adults, or 43 million people, struggle with mental illness annually. Yet, there still remains to be an apparent stigma around mental health. However, mental illness is a medical disorder that must be addressed. Common types of mental illnesses are depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia. These disorders affect a person’s ability to think and behave correctly. Just as an orthopedic surgeon helps to fix broken bones, a psychiatrist helps to identify and treat mental disorders. So, when is a psychiatrist needed? Here are six helpful warning signs doctors look for.

When is a Psychiatrist needed? Six Warning Signs

When is a Psychiatrist needed

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Recent Mood Swings and Obvious Changes in Behavior

Psychiatrist’s look for several symptoms when identifying mental health disorders. Both mood swings and sudden changes in behavior are two indicators of possible mental health disorders. For example, both personality disorder and bipolar disorder can be associated with mood swings and sudden changes in behavior.

Feeling Down Most of the Time

Another warning sign that doctors look for when identifying mental illness, are feelings of hopelessness. Feeling sad, constantly down, or hopeless are all indications of depression. Loss of interest in activities is also another common indicator of depression. Depression is one of the biggest mental health illnesses. Roughly 350 million people struggle with this mental health disorder. Having a bad day, or going through a difficult time is a part of life. However, feeling sad or upset for a prolonged amount of time will likely be diagnosed as clinical depression.

Difficulty Completing Everyday Tasks

Trouble completing everyday tasks is another indication that a psychiatrist is needed. On a daily basis, humans complete numerous tasks without even thinking about it. For example: getting out of bed, brushing your teeth, going grocery shopping, or doing your laundry. However, someone struggling with a mental health disorder can find these tasks to be entirely overwhelming. Someone struggling with a mental health disorder may only be able to complete one or two tasks a day.

Having Trouble with Anger Management

Trouble controlling anger is another sign that someone may be struggling with a mental health illness. Changes in somebody’s irritability, hostility, word choice, and outbursts can be a warning sign of a mental health problem. Anger that is tied to a mental health disorder can lead to negative impacts on someone’s health, personal life, and professional life. Observing significant and prolonged negative changes in someone’s anger management is a strong indicator that it a psychiatrist is needed.

Troubled Relationship With Food

Having a troubled relationship with food is a common indicator of a mental health disorder. Many times, people who struggle to have a healthy relationship with food suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Both mental disorders can cause someone to have a distorted body image. Body distortion is a common indicator of an eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious mental health illnesses but can also lead to serious long-term health risks.

Constantly Feeling Worried or Anxious

Finally, continual anxiety is another indication of when a psychiatrist is needed. Anxiety and irrational fears are common symptoms of several mental health disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety can be a consuming presence in someone’s life, disrupting his or her health and everyday life, therefore signifying that a psychiatrist is needed.

After reading this blog, do you know when a psychiatrist is needed? Let us know in the comments below.

Author: Locum Jobs Online

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