Doctors & Depression: Why Physician Suicide Rate is Rising

Doctors & Depression: Why Physician Suicide Rate is Rising

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Intelligent, prestigious, wealthy, knowledgeable – these are all words that might come to mind when people think of physicians. What about stressed, overworked, frustrating, anxiety-inducing? Well, these are probably a few of the words that physicians would use when asked to describe their career. Unfortunately, the intense demands of a career in healthcare are wearing physicians down more and more. Let’s understand the complicated and dark depression in doctors that remains mostly hidden beneath such a bright, well-respect profession.

Understanding Physician Burnout and Depression in Doctors

Being overworked is the main reason that many physicians are stressed and anxious. In more trendy terms – they are experiencing physician burn out.  More than 46 percent of physicians reported feeling burnt out last year. While some think of this as just part of the job, feeling constantly overwhelmed about work can sometimes be fatal. Yes, fatal.

Physician burnout often leads doctors and other medical professionals to feel depressed. Depression in doctors is a heavyweight to carry. They are constantly caring for people, knowing that sometimes they won’t be able to heal everyone. Also, it’s hard to work long hours, keep up with all of the required paperwork, put on a happy face, and create meaningful connections. Doctors often don’t have time to take care of themselves too. As a result, there are physicians out there who find their own ways of coping instead of seeking professional help.

For example. they turn to substances like alcohol, drugs, and more to take themselves out of reality for a bit and relieve some of that heavyweight they are carrying. Seeking professional help from a doctor when you are a professional doctor can feel a bit shameful – almost like a chef asking for advice on how to cook his or her own dinner. There is such a stigma surrounding doctors with mental health or substance abuse issues, and sometimes professionals worry it will cost them their career.

Substance Abuse & Hidden Habits

Physician drug and alcohol abuse is not a new problem. However, it is becoming more prevalent coinciding with the increase in reported physician burnout. Actually, MedScape reports that about 15 percent of physicians are currently dealing with some sort of substance abuse. The major concern is that physicians try to hide not only their feelings of depression but their dependency on substances as well. Because of their background knowledge in healthcare, physicians’ pride keeps this secret buried. Since they are not seeking the help they so badly need, the situation worsens. Hiding the depression that may coincide with physician burnout is when the issue can turn fatal.

 Depression Leading to Increased Suicide Rate

Due to the misconceptions of a doctor’s lifestyle, most wouldn’t guess that physicians have a higher suicide rate than the general public. However, in reality, 30 percent of doctors fail depression screening tests. In fact, physicians are typically responsible for about 400 out of the average of 42,000 deaths by suicide per year in the United States. Physicians are also a major contributing factor to the rise in the suicide rate in America. Even worse, doctors suffering from depression aren’t only a danger to themselves, but they are also a health risk to their patients. Many physicians report being unable to connect and sympathize with patients while suffering from depression, anxiety and/or stress. This can result in patients not wanting to seek healthcare again.

What’s Being Done about Depression in Doctors?

As this issue of depression in doctors becomes more and more prevalent, the healthcare industry is taking action about depression in doctors. For example, healthcare facilities ask physicians to participate in mental health screening tests from time to time. Physicians are also encouraged to speak to co-workers or other professionals if they begin to feel too overwhelmed. Dr. Pamela Wible has even gone so far as to put herself and her relatable stories out there in order to bring awareness to this issue. Her goal is to normalize depression in doctors and make it known that they can and should seek help.

The hectic and stressful life of being a physician doesn’t have to lead to depression, substance abuse or suicide. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or that you’re on the brink of burning out, reach out. The healthcare industry can overcome depression.

Author: Locum Jobs Online

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