Physicians and Flesh: Should Doctors Have Tattoos?

Physicians and Flesh: Should Doctors Have Tattoos?

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Some people have tattoos with deep meanings. Others have regretful faded art that they got on a whim. No matter the story behind the image, each tattoo is a permanent form of self-expression, just like the clothing that we choose to wear. Yet, should this body art be regulated in the workplace like outfits are? Despite the fact that 1 in 5 adults had tattoos as of a 2012 Harris poll, many businesses regulate tattoos. Some even forbid employees to have them. So, what happens when you can’t cover your tattoo?  Should physicians with tattoos be banned from practicing because the art is located on a visible part of their body? Some find tattoos artful. Others find them distasteful. Even people with tattoos admit they discriminate against people who have tattoos they personally find atrocious. So how do we find a balance that is open enough to accept the style choices of others while respecting the professionalism of certain industries, like healthcare?

Physicians with Tattoos – Where Should We Draw the Line?

Finding a balance suitable for both opinions is not so black and white. Saint Louis University Hospital, for example, used to have a regulation that all tattoos or other types of body art must be covered and hidden as it is offensive or could be frightening to children. However, they alterphysicians with tattoos ed their rules to now allow tattoos in go uncovered at the discretion of the managers. Many hospitals are creating similar policies, stating that it’s up to the discretion of the manager to draw the line on whether or not a tattoo can be visible.

Unfortunately, this means that physicians with tattoos are at the mercy of hiring personnel. The federal government, through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), forbids employers to discriminate against a person on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. However, there’s no established policy on tattoos.

Despite a lack of policy surrounding tattoos, some studies have found that 73 percent of people said that they would hire someone with visible ink. Only 4 percent of tattooed or pierced people said they faced discrimination at their current job. However, 76 percent of employees feel that tattoos and piercings hurt job interview chances.

Support for Physicians with Tattoos

Those who support physicians with tattoos argue that physicians have the right to self-expression, just like anyone else. Physicians are regular people – they have families, go through break-ups, walk their dog and even go out for cocktails. They’re not ultra-focused on health and caring for other people all of the time. It makes sense that physicians have a life outside of work, and that could include self-expression through tattooing. Aside from that, since so many people today have tattoos, a tattooed physician could actually make patients with tattoos more comfortable. It normalizes the doctor and reminds people that their doctor isn’t that different from them. This could make it easier for some patients to open up with their doctor.

The Argument Against Physicians with Tattoos

People who argue against physicians with tattoos claim that it’s unprofessional and distracting to the workplace. They feel that there is a certain stigma attached to tattoos and that it could harm the patient-physician relationship by making certain patients uncomfortable. Unfortunately, this is especially the case for physicians who see an older generation of patients. The older generation grew up thinking that tattoos were reserved for gang members, criminals, and people in the military. So, if you weren’t a veteran, you probably were considered a delinquent. Others would argue that physicians should be as unmemorable as possible and that the focus of the appointment should be on the patient. Tattoos can leave a lasting impression and could be distracting.

physicians with tattoos

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Physicians with or without tattoos – what do you think about ink?


Author: Locum Jobs Online

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